Kelly Sullivan Collection

I am absolutely honored and excited to be part of and represent a brand that speaks so much to how I think and live. The Ethos of Titan is something that I have always embodied in my life, even before I knew what is was. As an athlete, I work daily to become better, stronger, and continue to challenge myself. Working in education, I have always aimed to be an example of this for my students, and now for the teachers I work with. This is something I make a conscious effort to bring into every aspect of my life whether it’s training, racing, competing, studying, or teaching.

Quotes that have always stuck with me are “Find what you love and let it kill you,” and “you just can’t beat the person who never gives up.” I have never loved running growing up, but I fell in love with OCR, racing, Crossfit, and rucking, and it has become a major part of my life for 13 years now. I fell in love with math and teaching growing up and knew that it would become my career. This all gives me purpose in life. Mental health is something that I struggled with firsthand growing up and I have seen others struggle with a lot. I fully believe that being active, fitness, finding what you love, working towards goals, having a purpose, and never giving up can help so much with mental health in one’s life. A huge part of those quotes are also staying true to your inner beliefs, desires, and passions. I always work to do the things I love, work towards my goals, and challenge myself whenever possible to help me learn and grow.

A teacher by profession and Crossfit coach by choice has allowed me to practice learning, helping others achieve goals and push limits in all aspects of my life. I thrive on learning new things, challenging myself, and helping others see the potential in themselves. I have been able to help others on their journeys through fitness, racing, learning, and teaching. I love that I am able to help others work to achieve their goals and push past their limits in different aspects of their lives. I live for those conversations where I can help a fellow teacher, racer, or competitor realize their potential in themselves. No one cheers harder when I get to witness the potential be executed – when someone gets one more rep, crosses a finish line, or hits a PR.

I am so excited to be able to represent Titan 6 Actual in this journey and represent a brand that has the same beliefs that I strive to follow every day. It’s going to be a great time!

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